Loving Your Job Doesn’t Have To Be Lame
Is EMS culture accepting of those who love the role and aim to give it their all? Or are we guilty of labelling conscientious colleagues for trying to hard? If the words we use now are shaping the future of the medics we’ll rely on in old age, we need to choose them with care.
Compassion In EMS, Fighting Fatigue Or Seeking Satisfaction?
There are well-known repercussions to compassion fatigue and burnout, but if compassion satisfaction prevents this fatigue and burnout, seeking it out may make all the difference.
All Aboard! Welcoming Rapid Recruits Into Healthcare
Whether we like it or not, our numbers must increase right now, before the growing gap in every healthcare workforce begins to take its toll. There are strong opinions out there, however, both for and against, fast-tracking qualifications and streamlining induction into the ranks.